Saturday, February 25, 2006

trying to break free

trying to break free
Originally uploaded by manitoon.
I feel very sorry for these birds. They were meant to be fly freely in the open skies and some cruel ppl capture them and i dont undertand what pleasure they get ?

What about rights of these birds ? I wish I could do something for them but apparently such piegons are very expensive and cant convice the owner to just release them. :-(

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dead man walking

Dead man walking
Originally uploaded by manitoon.
In this case dead tree standing :-)
Picture is from Punjab Universtiy lahore.

Proud to be tall

Proud to be tall
Originally uploaded by manitoon.

Punjab university fields within the city. They give a fresh look and lot of fresh air to otherwise very polluted city.

Dead man walking

Dead man walking
Originally uploaded by manitoon.

In this case dead tree standing :-)
Picture is from Punjab Universtiy lahore l

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Protest In Pakistan

Right now I feel very bad about about my countrymen and fellow muslims in Lahore who are participating in the protest against the cartoons. People are destroying cars , breaking windows and setting buildings on fire, all the damage is done to our own city. I ask them Where in Quran this is allowed ? I asked them when did Prophet Mohammad ( PBUH ) allowed such behavior ? Is this what islam teaches us ?

No not at all. Islam is a religion of peace. These uneducated ppl are doing more damage to islamic image then those stupid cartoons did. The worst part is that they are doing all this in the name of Islam and in reality no part of our religion allows such behaviour.

I have no words to explain my feelings , my hate for these people.

I also condemn the cartoons , I agree that people have right to protest , but to be violent is pure madness and against islam.

I found the article below on

"These are indeed testing times for the whole Ummah and the morals it upholds. In defending the honour of our Prophet (sws), the most important thing is never abandoning the ethics that he taught us. Keeping that basic principle in mind, the few things we could do as a people are:

1. Use "our freedom of speech". They say the pen is mightier than the sword. We can all write.
We should learn to use the advantages of the age we are living in. Letters, e-mails, blogs, etc. in magazines, journals, and other fora are far more effective than banners and walks.

Two important things to keep in mind are:
a) never to lose our moral superiority (by ensuring that our writings have no invective, abuse, or foul language and that they are based on academic andlogical arguments)

b) never to resort to violence or vandalism so that we can show through ourpersonal character that these are not the things that our beloved Prophet (sws) taught us

.2. We can arrange talks and invite scholars and academics to

a) explain to us how our religion is not based on terrorism so that we can pass on thesearguments and facts to the world in a decent and ethical manner
b) talk about thelimitations on freedom of expression accepted internationally so that we can also point up the inconsistencies of those who have violated their own principles in thismatter. We should also emphasize to all our addresses what the difference betweenfreedom of expression and abuse of freedom is.

For example, in Pakistan, for example, when we allow Christians their right to disseminate their message on trinity on the TV on Christmas or when we allow Bernard Lewis's works to be distributed here in Pakistan, we do demonstrate our maturity as a people who are willing to accept freedom of expression. But an academic critique on our religion or the Prophet (sws) (to which our scholars duly respond every now and then) is very different from ridicule, which is indecent, oppressive and criminal.

3. We must have the correct attitude in handling the issuse: In the Meccanperiod, when Hamzah (rta) (not a Muslim then) demonstrated his familial "honour" byavenging his beloved nephew (the Prophet [sws]), we all know what the Prophet said. He told his uncle that what would please the Prophet was not revenge but change. And Hamzah changed -- to become a Muslim. Thus in showing our love for theProphet (sws) how many of us will make the decision to bring about some real change in our own lives and to help each other to become better Muslims and better human beings? (Maybe begin with - not end it with - regularity in prayer?).

May Allah be with all of us. And peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our most beloved Prophet (sws), who when pelted with stones at Tai'f while spreading the message of God for you and me forgave those who hurt him and insulted him in the hope and with the prayers that they might see the truth later."

In End I pray to Allah to guide such unguided people towards truth and show them the right path and forgive them for their sins
